Sunday, May 29, 2011

The history of Transportation - and the Electric car

This attraction can be a source of several school lessons and just a plain old fun day out.  For long trips we stay in a family suite at Red Deer then make an early day of the trip.

Steam engines like this drove the industrial revolution led by Great Britain
Did you know that electric cars were quite popular as an option at the turn of the 20th century?  The museum has a nice collection of exhibits going back to the roots of  private tranportation.  Here is a wonderful steam engine (it really moves).

There are also planes in a separate exhibit.  You can sit with your little explorer and use the controls in a real helicopter - nicely fastened to the floor, of course.

Blurb about the steam engine 

Comparison of engine options - electric, gas or diesel

There are actual examples of the different kinds of engines.

This was Ellie's favourite.

Paige showed a real interest in the solar car.

This is a good opportunity to talk about alternative energy and environmental issues that revolve around fuel choices.

If you have a kid who can handle it here is a great documentary about fuel.

A "Canadian" car?

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