Recently, we discovered a Farmers Market in our neighborhood. It has quickly become a favorite destination because of the variety of goods and the connection to the sources. So often, kids (and adults) get disconnected from the source of our food and other products because they are so nicely packaged and turned into commodities.

Last time we picked up some Bolivian music, South American delicacies, a baby liner for shopping carts, some sno-cones and home-made hot dogs.
I'm reading a book called "Why your world is about to get a whole lot smaller" written by a chief economist for the CIBC. He describes why buying local and places like the Farmers Markets will become more crucial in years to come as the price of oil rises due to dwindling supplies. It's good for our kids to understand where we are heading since they will be dealing with the realities.
He has a new book called "The End of Growth"